Aspen no. 4
The McLuhan issue
ASPEN Magazine Nr 4 (1967) McLuhan issue Aspen was a multimedia magazine published on an irregular schedule by Phyllis Johnson from 1965 to 1971. Described by its publisher as "the first three-dimensional magazine," each issue came in a customized box or folder filled with materials in a variety of formats, including booklets, "flexidisc" phonograph recordings, posters, postcards and reels of super-8 movie film Many of the leading figures in contemporary North American and British art and cultural criticism were editors, designers or contributors to Aspen. The magazine has remained of interest to students of the artistic ferment of the late 1960s ASPEN Nr 4 (1967) MCLuhan Issue in 9 sections (es fehlen 2), und zwar - section 6 Flexi "In Memorian Edgar Varese" by Mario Davidovsky / "Horn" by Gordon Mamma (Merce Cunningham Group) - section 5 ein 12 seitiges Booklet "The elctronics of Music by Fabion Bowers u.a. Kartonbox mit eingen kleinen Flecken und an den Gelenken etwas lose
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Sol LeWitt
Serial Projekt # 1, 1966
16pp. (including covers), 20,5 x 20,5 cm
Section 17 aus Aspen Magazine, Nr. 5+6, 1966
Aspen no. 9
The Psychedelic issue
ASPEN magazine 9 "psychedelic Dream Issue Aspen was a multimedia magazine published on an irregular schedule by Phyllis Johnson from 1965 to 1971. Described by its publisher as "the first three-dimensional magazine," each issue came in a customized box or folder filled with materials in a variety of formats, including booklets, "flexidisc phonograph recordings, posters, postcards and reels of super-8 movie film Many of the leading figures in contemporary North American and British art and cultural criticism were editors, designers or contributors to Aspen. The magazine has remained of interest to students of the artistic ferment of the late 1960s ASPEN gehört zu den rarsten Künstlerbuchern der 60er Jahre ASPEN 9 "psychedelic Dream Issue" (1969) in 13 sections (Signed by Marian Zazeella, Frau von La Monte Yound!!!) es fehlen - section 2: Leporello mit Filmstills aus Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda von Ira Cohen - section 5: 1 Din A 4 Blattt mit psychedelic stamps von Don Snyder (durch Farbfotokopie ersetzt!!) - section 11 Flexi mit Jojous Lake von Angus McLise Einband im Rücken etwas oben aufgeplatzt
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