Dick Higgins, geboren 1938 (Jesus Piece, England), starb 1998 in Québec, Kanada

Dick Higgins,
What are Legends
A Clarification
Calais Maine,
Bern Porter, 1960

Dick Higgins
A Book About Love & War
& Death: Canto One
Great Bear Pamphlet #2
Something Else Press,
New York, 1965

Dick Higgins
f o e w & m b w h n w

Something Else Press,
New York,1969

Dick Higgins Wolf Vostell
Pop Architektur Concept Art
Droste Verlag
Düsseldorf, 1969

Dick Higgins
A Book About Love & War & Death
Something Else Press
New York, 1972

Dick Higgins
Modular Poems

158 + Seiten, 28 x 22 cm
Unpublished Editions
Barton, Vermont, 1974

Dick Higgins
the epitaphs / gli epitaphi

90 unpg. Seiten, 17 x 24 cm
editioni morra
Napoli, 1977, signiert

Dick Higgins, of celebration of morning
96 Seiten, 42,5 x 29 cm, Leinen, Auflage 900 ( und 100 signiert)
printed editions, New York, 1980

Dick Higgins
Selected early works
Berlin 1982

Dick Higgins
Pattern Poetry

Guide to an Unknown Literature
278 Seiten, 28 x 21,5 cm
State University of New York Press, 1987