Paul Panhuysen (born 21 August 1934, Borgharen) is a Dutch composer, visual and sound artist, and was the founder and director of Het Apollohuis, and art space that functioned during the 80's and 90's having artists doing sound installations, sound sculptures, and concerts about free improvisation, experimental music, electronic music, etc.

Paul Panhuysen,/Johan Goedhart
Klanginstallationen. In der Weserburg.
36 S. 24 x 16,5 cm. m. 22 s/w Abb. Illustr. OKart. Mit einem Beitrag von Elke Schipper. Enthält das Verzeichnis der Saiteninstallationen 1982-195 von Paul Panhuysen und Johan Goedhart. Bremen, Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, 1986

Paul Panhuysen
Number made visible

The Story of the magic squareof 8 by Benjamin Franklin
Auflage 4000, in braunem Pappumschlag
The Apollohuis, Eindhoven, 1997