Klaus Scherübel, * 1968 Bruck an der Mur / Steiermark / Österreich.
lebt in Montréal, Canada |
Klaus Scherübel: Mallarmé, Le Livre - compilation Special edition limited to 24 copies numbered an signed by the artist. A compilation gathering four versions: German, English, French and Dutch Mallarmé, Das Buch (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 2001) Mallarmé, The Book (Printed Matter, Inc, New York, 2004) Mallarmé, Le Livre (Mudam and Optica, Luxembourg / Montreal, 2005) Mallarmé, Het Boek (mfc-michele didier, Brussels, 2009) Each book is 24 cm x 16 cm N°05 |